Over the course of four decades, the United States Department of Energy conducted nuclear weapons testing. Sadly, the radioactive fallout from these detonations has impacted the health and welfare of people working directly in the site or living downwind of it. In this blog, we will discuss the purpose of the nuclear weapons testing, what
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Explaining the Long-Term Consequences of Atmospheric Nuclear Tests
The dawn of the atomic age brought about a slew of discoveries, opportunities, and, unfortunately, unforeseen challenges. One such challenge arose from atmospheric nuclear tests conducted primarily in the mid-20th century. While these tests were deemed essential for national security, their long-term repercussions on the health of U.S. citizens and the environment remain a haunting
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Between 1945 and 1962, the United States conducted nearly 200 atmospheric nuclear weapons development tests in regions such as the Nevada test site and areas of the Pacific and the Atlantic. The tests had a significant impact, with many of the brave men and women involved in the testing program continuing to face the lingering
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